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Club Policies


Every member of The Men’s Club at Foothills is expected to abide by the following club policies, as adopted by the Board. Please know them and understand them, as they will be adhered to!! 



Club Policies 

Board members are responsible for interpreting and creating the Club Policies. (2006) 

Bank Signatures 

The bank account of the Club shall at all times have three (3) registered signatures. Those signatures will always be the Club Treasurer plus two other Board members appointed by the President. (o.2008, r.2013) 

Board Member Membership Dues 

The Board of Directors, not to exceed fourteen (14) members, will have their annual membership dues waived. (2011) 

Election Of Board Members 

The Election Committee's goal is to make available, within reason, the opportunity for all Club members to vote for election of the Board of Directors and President Elect. As a result, the Club will utilize an online election format, ballots will be made available seven (7) days prior to the Fall Annual Meeting and voting will close at 5 PM the day of the Annual Meeting. (o.2012,r.2013, r.2023) 




The Club will not use Club funds to purchase alcoholic beverages. (1995) 

Maximum Hole Score for Handicap Purposes 

The Club implements the USGA Net Double Bogey system for score posting. After each Club tournament Golf Genius makes all necessary hole adjustments . (o.2006, r.2013, r, 2023) 

Illegal Equipment

It is the individual responsibility of each Club member to insure all their equipment conforms to USGA standards. A list of conforming clubs and conforming ball may be viewed at The penalty for use of any USGA banned equipment is disqualification. (2006) 

Leave of Absence to Active Status

Any member on leave of absence who returns to active status after June 1 will be charged one-half of the normal annual dues for that year. (1995) 

Leave of Absence or Request for Refunds in a Current Year 

If after joining the club and paying the annual dues, a member requests a leave of absence or a refund, the refund amount will be based according to the following schedule: 

  • January 1st to March 31st – 100% refund of Membership dues minus GGA GHIN Fees (if applicable) 

  • April 1st to June 30th – 50% refund of Membership dues minus CGA GHIN Fees. 

  • July 1st thru the end of the season – no Membership dues refund. 

Voluntary Pots are non-refundable. (o.2008, r.2013, r. 2023) 

Refund of Online Payments 

The Club will refund only the Club fee for items purchased on the online PayPal service. Any PayPal transaction fees will not be refunded. (o.2010, r.2013) 

Insufficient Funds 

All checks that have been returned due to insufficient funds will be resubmitted to the bank for payment. The member will be charged all bank fees/charges. If the member does not promptly submit payment on all monies due, they will not be eligible for the next tournament. If the member submits more than one check with insufficient funds in a golf season, that member at the discretion of the Club Treasurer is on a cash-only basis for all monies due. If all monies due is not rectified by the end of the season, the member(s) will not be eligible for membership the following year. That member will be notified in writing by the Club Treasurer. (2008) 

Club Wait List 

Official Club wait list applicants who are offered active membership in the Club and decline active membership will have their names dropped from the official Club wait list. They may reapply for membership as provided in the Club Bylaws. (1991) 

New Members

All new members must have a valid Handicap Index , before entering a Club tournament or will play to scratch. (o.2012, r.2013, r.2023) 

GHIN Associate Members 

The Club accepts applications for Associate Membership in the following (3) categories: 

  • Regular GHIN Associate Member 

  • Junior GHIN Associate Member 

  • Other GHIN Associate Member 


The “Other GHIN Associate Member” category will pay the existing CGA charge for membership. This category includes: 

  1. Employees of the Foothills Park and Recreation District; 

  2. The President shall at his discretion allow an applicant the privilege of joining with the status of “Other GHIN Associate”; (2010) 

  3. The guest of a Club Member playing in the current year’s Member/Guest tournament. (o. 2012, r.2013, r.2023) 



Age Requirements for Seniors and Master Seniors Participants must attain the age of 50 by the start of the tournament to be eligible for Senior events. Participants must attain the age of 62 by the start of the tournament to be eligible for Master Senior events. (2005) 

Minimum Number of Entries 

A minimum of forty (40) entries is required to hold a Club sponsored tournament in which the Club will contribute money. 

Maximum Course Handicap

The maximum allowed Course Handicap for Club tournaments is 36. This includes a guest in the Member/Guest tournament. (2013) 

Entry Deadline

All tournament entries must be received during the entry period. Absolutely no entries will be accepted after the PayPal window is closed. Late requests will be added to a wait list, and contacted if there is an opening within your flight. Waitlist is fulfilled based on flight opening first, then the order of signup The Tournament Committee will be responsible for maintaining a waitlist and will coordinate any additions to the tournament after close. All communications will be conducted through the Tournament Committee. (r.12/2023) 

Entry Procedures 

Online through the Club website: 

a. Log on to the Club’s website at 

b. Click on the tournament you want to enter. 

c. Click on the Buy Now button. 

d. Add the tournament to your shopping cart and follow the PayPal instructions for payment and checkout. 

e. While in PayPal, there is a place to volunteer to help with the tournament. 

f. PayPal will email you a confirmation of payment. 

Please note: there is a transaction fee for use of PayPal which is included in the total. (o.2010, r.2013) 

Tournament Cancellation

In any Club tournament it is within the authority of the Tournament Committee (in consultation with the Foothills Staff) to cancel a tournament or portion thereof should circumstances so warrant. Such circumstances could include unplayable weather conditions or some event or occurrence on the course that would cause play to be canceled. If any flight is unable to complete an 18-hole round on a tournament day, the Tournament Committee makes all final decisions regarding scoring a portion of an uncompleted round and the distribution of any payouts. A flight must complete at least nine (9) holes on a tournament day. Flights that are completed will receive skins money, and any uncompleted flights will receive skins money based on Tournament Committee decision. (o.2006, r.2013, r,2023) 

Tournament Refunds – Canceled Tournaments 

The Club will refund entry money on any tournament day that is cancelled if no money is paid out for the tournament. Green fees may be refunded by the golf course, according to Foothills Golf Course policy. (o.2002, r.2013) 

Tournament Refund Committee

A Tournament Refund Committee will meet at the conclusion of each tournament and discuss the refunding of individual entry fees on a case-by-case basis; this committee will have the final authority. The Tournament Refund Committee is comprised of the following board members: Secretary, Treasurer, and the Tournament Chairman. Further, the President will act in the capacity of ex-officio, and will only vote in the event of a tie. (o.2009, r.2013) 

Tournament Green Fees 

All green fees will be paid directly to the Foothills Golf Course. For multiple day tournaments, the Pro Shop will collect green fees for the entire tournament on the first day of the tournament. (2003, r.2023) 

No Shows Individuals who failed to play in the tournament and did not notify the Tournament Committee of their impending absence from the tournament will forfeit the tournament entry fees paid. Future “no show” activity could jeopardize future Club membership. Any “no shows” involving multi-day tournament where the no show is after the first day of the tournament will need to negotiate with the Pro Shop regarding any refunds of green fees. (2003, r,2023) 


During a Club tournament, if a member is disqualified at any time all scores are voided. The member forfeits: 

• all entry money into Skins and other special volunteer pot games associated with the tournament; 

• any winnings eligibility for the Eagle and Hole-in-One pots; 

• any winnings from the Closest-to-the-Hole contests; 

• any Skins money on the tournament day of disqualification, and; 

• any Ringer Pot scores, and; 

• points for Player of the Year Tournament. 

In a case where a disqualified member won a Closest-to-the-Hole contest on the tournament day of disqualification, the prize must be returned to the Tournament Committee chairman. There is no prize awarded for that contest. In a case of a multiple day tournament, a disqualified member will be permitted to play a subsequent tournament day as a marker and play for Skins only. (2013) 


During a Club tournament, if a member withdraws at any time he forfeits all entry money, Skins and other special volunteer pot games associated with the tournament. In the case of a multiple day tournament, at the Tournament Committee’s discretion the member may be permitted to play the remaining tournament as a marker and play for Skins only. (2013, r.2023) 

Tee Times 

Tee times for one-day events and the first day of multiple-day events will be available by Tuesday of the week of the tournament. Tee times will be available through the Club’s website. On a multiple day tournament, the Tournament Committee may assign tee times in advance and at their discretion post these times. . (o.2002, r.2013, r.2023) 

Playing within Flight 

Individual One-Day Tournament. - All players must play within flight in order to be eligible to win flight prizes unless approved special circumstances or a tournament format dictate otherwise. The Tournament Committee, Board members and other volunteers working the tournament may play out of flight and still be eligible for flight prizes. (o.2006, r.2013) 

Multiple Day Tournaments. - Players with approved special circumstances may play out of flight on the first day of a tournament. All players must play within flight on the final day of a tournament in order to be eligible to win flight prizes unless approved special circumstances or a tournament format dictate otherwise. The Tournament Committee, Board members and other volunteers working the tournament may play out of flight and still be eligible for flight prizes. (o.2003, r.2013) 

Score Card

No player may keep his own scorecard during tournament play. Players with carts may keep more than one scorecard but may not keep their own scorecards. Failure to exchange cards is disqualification. (2005) 

Ties for First Place 

Major Individual Tournaments: (President’s Cup Member/Member and all Club Championships) - A Sudden Death playoff will decide all ties for first place. Playoff holes are determined by the Tournament Committee based on course availability. Players are responsible for knowing the likelihood of a playoff possibility.
Failure to be present for the playoff will result in relinquishing first place for second place. All other ties are co-winners and the place money is evenly split. For example, if second and third place are tied those places would be added together and the money evenly split. A minimum of $5.00 book money will be paid. (o.2006,
r.2013. r. Jan, 2025)
Team and Non-Major Individual Tournaments - In case of a tie for first place Co-Champions shall be declared and first and second place money will be evenly split. All other ties will result in co-winners and the place money is evenly split. A minimum of $5.00 book money will be paid. (o.2006, r.2013, r. Jan, 2025)

Match Play Scores 

All match play scorecards must be turned in. The Match Play Committee will adjust and post all match play scores. (2012) 

Member/Guest Tournament 

Only golfers with a current GHIN handicap will be allowed to participate in the Member/Guest tournament. Leave of Absence members will be allowed to play as guests. (o.2002, r.2013) 

Club Championship 

The Club Championship shall be a three-day (3), fifty-four (54) hole tournament. 

A member in good standing, to be eligible for Club Champion designation in all flights, must have a minimum of seven (7) tournament credits during the current season, prior to the Club Championship tournament. 

Tournament Credits - A Tournament Credit is defined as completing all days of play in a Club tournament. Payment of entry fee does not constitute participation. 

  1. A one (1) day tournament shall count as one (1) tournament credit. 

  2. A two (2) day tournament shall count as two (2) tournament credits. 

  3. Each Match Play event entered shall count as one (1) tournament credit. A maximum of three (3) credits will be allowable through Match Play. 

  4. Master Senior Club Championship will be excluded from tournament participation credit. 



A player must not discontinue play unless the Tournament Committee has suspended play or if he believes there is a danger from lightning. 

The Tournament Committee will suspend play if there is a dangerous situation. If players in a group are between the play of two holes, they must immediately seek the nearest shelter. If a group is in the process of playing a hole, each player must mark the position of his ball, lift it, discontinue play immediately and seek the nearest shelter. If a player fails to discontinue play immediately, he is disqualified. A player shall not resume play until the Tournament Committee has ordered a resumption of play. 

Play will be suspended immediately by one prolonged note of an air horn, and supported as necessary by instructions to individual groups from a member of the Tournament Committee. Play is resumed by two short notes of an air horn, repeated, or by other instructions from a member of the Tournament Committee. (o.2008, r.2013) 


Allotted Time: In all tournaments each group is allotted a specified amount of time to complete play of each hole, at a pace in accordance with the Pace of Play time matrix chart below. It is up to each group to self-police. When a group falls behind – regardless of the reason – it must regain its position or be subject to penalty. Time for ball searches, rulings and walking time between holes is included in the allotted times. At any time during the round, and especially when a group finishes and replaces the flagstick in the hole at the 18th putting green, the Tournament Committee or Foothills Golf Course staff person will record the time for the group. 

Definition of Out of Position: (all groups shall start on time, not early and not late) 

First Group: The first group is out of position if at any time during the round the group completes play on a hole (replaces the flagstick in the hole) later than the time scheduled on the time matrix. 

Following Groups: A following group is out of position if it: 

a. Has taken longer than the allotted time to play on the time matrix, and; 

b. Completes play on any hole more than 15 minutes after the preceding group. 

Non-responsive fellow competitor: Any player concerned about a non-responsive fellow competitor shall notify a Tournament Committee member or Foothills Golf Course staff person about the problem, and request the group be monitored in case penalties are incurred or appealed. If any player’s pace or quality of play affects the entire field, he may be asked to leave the course. 

Penalty Statements: At any time, a group that is out of position may be notified by a member of the Tournament Committee or Foothills Golf Course staff. A group and/or individual players may be monitored. 

a. Each player in a group that is out of position upon completion of 18 holes shall incur two (2) penalty strokes. 

b. If any player or group deliberately violates this policy it will be considered a serious breach of etiquette, subjecting the player or group to disqualification. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to impose individual undue delay or slow play penalties if appropriate. 

Appeals: Before returning his scorecard, a player may appeal group pace of play penalties to the Tournament Committee. An appeal will only be considered if: a. The Tournament Committee or Foothills Golf Course staff person delayed the player. b. The player was delayed by a circumstance beyond the control of the player or the group. c. The player was delayed by another player in the group and had reported it to the Tournament Committee or Foothills Golf Course staff. The Men’s Club at Foothills – Pace of Play matrix (Foothills Golf Course) 








Club Champion 

The Club Champion will be the low Gross individual playing from the Black Tees. His name will be engraved on the "Club Champion" plaque in the trophy case, and will receive a gift card at the conclusion of the Tournament. The gift card amount will be appropriate for the title of Club Champion. The Club Champion will also receive an award at the Fall Banquet. (2011, r. 2018, 2019) 

Flight Club Champions 

The Flight Club Champions will receive an award at the Fall Banquet. (r. 2019, r.2023) 

Senior Club Champion

The Senior Club Champion will be the low Gross player in the tournament. His name will be engraved on the plaque in the trophy case and he will receive an award at the Fall Banquet. (o.2010, r.2013 

Master Senior Club Champion

The Master Senior Club Champion will be the low Gross player in the tournament. His name will be engraved on the plaque in the trophy case and he will receive an award at the Fall Banquet. (o.2010, r.2013) 

President’s Cup Champion

The President’s Cup Champion will be the combined low gross score from the flights playing from the Black Tees. His name will be engraved on the plaque in the trophy case and he will receive an award at the Fall Banquet. (o.2010, r.2013) 

Player of the Year 

The Player of the Year will have their name engraved on the plaque to be placed in the trophy case. The Player of the Year will receive an award at the fall banquet. 



Hole-in-One Pot

The Board of Directors will set the entry and specific rules and payouts for this premium pot at the beginning of each year. Only par-3 holes are eligible for this pot. A player who scores a hole-in-one in an eligible tournament will receive a portion of the pot at the Fall Banquet, based on the number of participants who score a hole-in-one during the season. For example, if there are two members scoring a hole-in-one during the season, the pot will be split equally and paid out at the banquet. If there is only one member to score a hole-in-one during the season, he will be paid the entire hole-in-one pot balance at the banquet. If there are no pot winners during the season, the hole-in-one pot balance will be carried over to the next golf season.(o.2011, r.2013) 

Eagle Pot

The Board of Directors will set the entry and specific rules and payouts for this premium pot at the beginning of each year. Only par-4 holes are eligible for this pot. A player who scores an eagle in an eligible tournament will receive a portion of the pot at the Fall Banquet, based on the number of participants who score an eagle during the season. For example, if there are two members scoring an eagle during the season, the pot will be split equally and paid out at the banquet. If there is only one member to score an eagle during the season, he will be paid the entire eagle pot balance at the banquet. If there are no pot winners during the season, the eagle pot balance will be carried over to the next golf season. (o.2011, r.2013) 

Ringer Pot 

The Board of Directors will set the entry and specific rules and payouts for the season-long Ringer pot at the beginning of each year. There is a Gross Ringer pot and a Net Ringer pot. Members may enter either one or both. The Net Ringer pot uses 100% Home Course Handicap. The Tournament Committee uses the Tournament software to determine the flights, targeting a spread of participants as equal as possible per flight. (o.2008, r.2023) 

Closest to the Flagstick 

The Closest to the Flagstick game on each of the par-3 holes is included in the entry fee for each tournament. All members who have signed up and have paid for the tournament are eligible to win a Closest to the Flagstick game. The ball must be on the putting surface to be eligible for the Closest to the Flagstick. Winners will be awarded gift cards. (o.2006, r.2013, r.2018) 



Best Skins Format 

In the event a Skins Game is part of the tournament and the situation arises that no skins are won, the Skins Game will revert to the “Best Skins Format”. This format requires the Tournament Committee to review hole by hole the number of ties on each hole. For example, hole #1 has 4 individuals that had the low score on the hole, hole #2 only had 2 individuals that had the low score for the hole; this is done throughout all 18 holes. If only one hole had two individuals tie for low score, each of these individuals would split the skins pot (2 skins out). If there were 5 holes that had only 2 ties for low score on the hole, then there would be 10 skins out and these individuals would each get a skin. Please note: The words “individual” and “team” are interchangeable in describing the Best Skins Format. (2006) 

Tournament Payout Schedules 

Using the Club Tournament Payout Schedules as determined by the Board, individual or team payouts will be “Money on the Books” unless a tournament format dictates otherwise. The number of participants in each flight determines places paid. (o.2011, r.2013) 

Payout Tables 

Payout Procedure for any tournament bracket that is not filled: If a tournament bracket is halfway or more between two brackets, then it will be paid out as if it is a full field. If a bracket is less than halfway, then the payout is based on the smaller bracket size. 

For example, the Partner Match Play is a 64-team field; if only 39 teams entered the tournament, the payout would be based on a 32-team bracket. 

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