Local Rules and Conditions of Competition
The Rules of Golf, published by the United States Golf Association govern play. See any applicable Notice to Players and Entry Forms for additional Local Rules and Conditions. The complete text of the Local Rules and Conditions may be found in the current Official Guide to the Rules of Golf (2023 edition). Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule or Condition is loss of hole in Match Play and two strokes in Stroke Play.
Out of Bounds: Defined by white stakes, white lines or perimeter fences. The clubhouse and surrounding pavement/concrete areas are out of bounds. Relief is permitted from the temporary cart path in front of the clubhouse construction. The construction fence and construction areas are out of bounds.
Penalty Area Stakes and Lines:
When a penalty area is defined on one side only it is deemed to extend to infinity. When a (red) penalty area is bounded by out of bounds, the penalty area edge extends to and coincides with the boundary edge.
NOTE: All bridges are part of the penalty area, and relief from them is not allowed without penalty. Exceptions: bridge between 1st green and 2nd tee, bridge between 10th green and 11th tee, the concrete bridge nearest 16th green, and bridge nearest 18th green.
Abnormal Course Conditions (Ground Under Repair): GUR is defined by white lines. Ground under repair may include areas of unusual damage, but only when so declared by the Committee. French drains are deemed to be ground under repair. Bare areas and winter kill is not ground under repair. The planter/flowerbed areas near the 15th green and 16th tee is deemed a No Play Zone, and the player must take relief under Rule 16.1b.
NOTE: Stance and swing relief is allowed, but not line of play from the berms and piles of dirt on the 12th Hole (near black and blue tees) and to the left of the fairway on the 12th Hole (near the maintenance yard), and the berm between the 17th tee and the 18th tee.
Immovable Obstructions on the Course: Cables, stakes, rods, wires or wrappings, when closely attached to trees, are immovable obstructions on the course unless otherwise provided in a Notice to Players. Stance and swing relief is allowed, but not line of play.
Wood Chips and Mulch: Wood chips and mulch are loose impediments. Relief is not permitted.
The following Local Rules are in effect as prescribed in Committee Procedures,
Section 8 of the USGA Official Guide to the Rules of Golf.
Penalty Area Provisional Ball: Local Rule permitting the play of a ball provisionally under Rule 17.1b: Lake on left side and ditch on right side of the 6th hole: Lake and Out of Bounds on left side of the 7th hole; Lake on right side of the 9th hole: and Lake on left side of the 18th hole. (Guide: B-3, pg. 460)
If there is any doubt whether the ball is out of bounds or is in or lost in the penalty area(s) on any of the above referred holes, the player may play another ball provisionally under any of the applicable options in Rule 17.1d.
If the original ball is found outside the water hazard, the player must continue to play with it, and abandon the provisional ball.
If the original ball is found in the hazard, the player may either play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally. The player may not take relief with the original ball.
If the ball is not found or identified within the three-minute search period, the player must continue with the ball played provisionally.
Ground Under Repair Treated as Part of Nearby Obstruction: Relief is permitted. (Guide: F-3, pg. 484).
Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Green: If a ball lies in the general area, and an immovable obstruction (example: sprinkler head) on or within two club-lengths of the green and within two club-lengths of the ball, intervenes in the line of play between the ball and the hole, relief is allowed (see Guide: F-5, pg. 485 for relief procedure).
Relief of seams of cut turf (Sod Seams): Note: Relief is for lie of ball and area of intended swing only, not for the stance. (Guide: F-7, pg. 487).
All Roads and Paths Treated as Obstructions: Relief is permitted. (Guide: F-17, pg. 492).
Conforming Golf Balls, Drivers and Clubs: All clubs and balls must conform. (Guide: G-1, G-2, and G-3, pgs. 503 and 504). Penalty for breach: Disqualification.
Prohibiting Use of Audio and Video Devices: The use of these devices is not allowed during Club Competitions. Guide: Model Local Rule G-8, pg. 507.
Practice on the Course Between Rounds: Allowed after Friday of Club Championship and after Saturday rounds of 2 & 3-Day events: Guide: I-1, pg. 513.
Terms of the Competition
Pace of Play: In all Club tournaments each group is allotted a specified amount of time to complete play of each hole as well as eighteen holes. The scorecards will have this printed on them and it will be based on the club’s Pace of Play time matrix (see policy book). It is up to each group to maintain their pace and monitor their time. When a group falls behind, regardless of the situation, they must regain their position or be subject to penalty. A member/volunteer of the Tournament Committee or Foothills Golf Course staff will attempt to advise the group as well as record the time of the group/s upon their completion of eighteen holes.
Refer to the complete Policy in the Member’s handbook for additional details.
Definition of Out of Position:
First Group: The first group is out of position, if after replacing the flagstick they are later than their time schedule on their time matrix.
Following Groups: A following group is out of position if it:
Has taken longer than the allotted time to play on the time matrix, and
Completes play on any hole more than 15 minutes after the preceding group.
Refer to the complete Policy in the Member’s handbook for additional details.
Discontinuance of Play: A suspension for a dangerous situation will be signaled by one prolonged air horn note. The player must mark the position of his ball, lift it and seek the nearest shelter. Resumption of play will be signaled by two short air horn notes. Air horns may be repeated so that players are aware of the situations. Refer to the Policy in the Member’s handbook for additional details.
Return of Scorecards: Immediately upon completion of play in all tournaments, players must return their scorecards to the Committee in a timely fashion. No player may keep his own scorecard during tournament play. The player is responsible for the hole-by-hole scoring and making sure he has signed the scorecard as well as the marker. The player and marker must inform the Committee of all claims and/or disputes that occurred during the round.
Provisional Ball: A player should play a provisional ball, if there is any doubt, if the original ball may be lost outside a penalty area (water hazard) or out of bounds. The player must specifically mention the words “provisional ball” or make it clear he is proceeding under Rule 18.3b. NOTE: A slow play penalty may be assessed for undue delay.
Second Ball: In stroke play only, when a player is doubtful of his rights or procedure, he may, without penalty, play a second ball under Rule 20.1c (3) (see this Rule for the procedure). Failure to report facts to committee: disqualification. NOTE: In Match Play, refer to Rule 20.1b(4).
Conduct: Any unbecoming conduct by a player may be cause for revocation of a player’s entry or action under Rule 1.2 and possible rejection of future entries. Objectionable conduct includes, but is not limited to, club throwing, profane language, abuse of the course or course property, abuse of officials, alcohol or drug impaired behavior, any intentional disregard of the Rules of Golf or any conduct unbecoming a tournament player.
The Men’s Club at Foothills Tournament Committee oversees all tournament aspects of their assigned tournament and at any time may consult with the Rules Committee that is established by the current Board of Directors.
Revised February 2023