Match Play
2025 Season
Tournament Committee: Committee: Leo Zeggert (Chair 720-280-6169), Phil Trimble 303-514-2363 & Chris Barela 303-748-9433
Please note: All correspondence regarding this tournament must go through the Tournament Committee.
The Rules of Golf as issued by the USGA govern play, along with Local Rules as applicable in the Club’s “Hard Card”. See below for additional Conditions of Competition. Please note – the Rules and applicable penalties for Match Play often differ from Stroke Play. It is each player’s responsibility to know and play according to the Rules. Any disputes will be resolved by the Match Play Committee, assisted by the Rules Committee as necessary. Follow the Rules for the procedure in any situation and report to the Match Play Committee promptly.
TOURNAMENTS AND ENTRIES: All players and teams are entered into brackets with their current USGA Handicap Index at the time of bracket closings. Players with no Handicap Index at the time of bracket closing are entered with an Index of 0.0. All brackets are seeded by Random Draw methodology.
Entry fee is $18.00 for each handicap bracket and $20.00 for the scratch bracket. The number of entries in each bracket is limited to the following:
Individual Scratch – 32 players
Individual Handicap – 64 players
Senior Individual Handicap – 64 players
Partners Handicap – 64 two-man teams
Master Senior Individual Handicap – 64 players
Entries open on Saturday, March 8, 2025. Entries close when a bracket is full or 2 days prior to the first day of scheduled play for each bracket, whichever occurs first. Entries will be on a first come, first serve basis – as of timestamp receipt via PayPal. If a bracket fills and a player gets shut out, the entry fee for the shut out bracket is
refunded. If a bracket does not fill, the Committee may reduce that bracket to the next lower level of entries.
HANDICAPS: All Individual Handicap matches are played at 100% of Course Handicap. Partner Handicap matches are played at 90% of Course Handicap..
PAYOUTS & TROPHIES: “Money on the Books”, using the Club Payouts Match Play Schedule D, and also posted by the Match Play brackets. The number of participants in each bracket determines places paid. Plaques will also be awarded to all bracket Champions at the Fall Banquet.
CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION: A stipulated round is 18 holes, played consecutively and on the same day. Failure to do so is disqualification. Although a “stipulated round” can be played anywhere, the Match Play committee recommends and encourages all match play competitors to play from their normal tournament tees (distance/rating) that they play during our stroke play tournaments, including those approved for designated tees. Additionally per USGA rules, you cannot mix medal (stroke) and match play, meaning you can't play a match with an opponent concurrently while playing in a medal (stroke play) event.
COURSE HANDICAPS & SCORE CARDS: In all Individual Handicap and Partner Handicap matches it is the responsibility of each player to obtain his Course Handicap from the computer/GHIN app for the tees being played from and record the Handicap number next to his name. WHEELING IS REQUIRED IN ALL HANDICAPPED MATCHES!
After the match, the scorecard must be signed by each competitor. Failure to do so is disqualification. Indicate on the card the date, tees played, winner(s) and the applicable bracket (Senior Handicap, Individual Handicap, etc.) Once completed, send a picture of the scorecard via email or text to the Match Play Committee (see below). DO NOT post your score(s) to GHIN. All scores are posted by the Committee only, as promptly as possible.
NOTE: The Match Play Committee will adjust scores for any players feeling the need to “help” their Handicap.
Submit scorecards:
• Leo Zeggert: (720-280-6169) or
• Barry White (303-877-4360) or
Partners Handicap matches: The players shall convert their Course Handicap to 90% allowed for in the match by using the GHIN app. After the Handicaps have been established, you will then wheel off of the lowest Handicap in the group.
(This means the lowest handicap player will play to a zero Handicap, the rest of the players will then play to the difference between their Handicap and the lowest Handicap.) On the scorecard mark your “dots” on all the appropriate holes before play begins.
Partners Handicap Scoring: Scoring for the Partners Handicap matches shall use a Two-Point Scoring System. There are two (2) points available on each hole: a “low” point and a “high” point. At the conclusion of each hole, match the lowest net scores of each team against each other and the lowest score wins one point. Then, match the highest net scores of each team against each other and the lowest score wins one point. A match is over when a team has more points than there are possible points remaining.
TIES: There are no ties in Match Play. Matches simply go to extra holes, however many it takes. If a match is “all square” at the end of 18 holes, first and foremost players must check with the Foothills Pro Shop and/or Starter before continuing a match on hole #1 or hole #10 (whichever is available).
The policy for deciding unplayed matches is: At the closing of any round (see schedule), the Match Play Committee will convene to decide who goes forward in all unplayed matches. Both sides of each unplayed match may present their reason(s) by email to committee members prior to the round close date why he/they should go forward and not the other, and should not be decided by a coin flip (i.e.: I/We made all the calls and he/they did not return any calls or did not respond to any of the voice mails, emails, etc.).
If one side emails and not the other, the absent side forfeits the match. If both sides email, the panel will discuss both arguments, then decide whose case is better and that side will go on. If both cases are decided as equal or neither side submits emails, then, and only then, there’s a coin flip.
Play begins Tuesday April 1, and runs through Tuesday, September 30, 2025.
Match Play Schedule